Textile Digitization
【 It is the internet and digital era. Timing is everything for business 】
TLC has been devoted to textile innovations and finding more sustainable way of supplying textiles. We adopt "digital textile design system" and "e-fabric interface platform" to achieve this goal.
Digital Textile Design System
By applying the digital textile design system, it makes design process more efficient. The design process starts from using digitized textile file to simulate colors and patterns. Once the color and pattern are confirmed by customers, the fabric is ready to go sample production.
Textile digitization technology not only provides a seamless textile prototyping process from the virtual design to the textile manufacturing, but also provides an efficient communication solution to the product designers and vendors. Furthermore, it saves sample development cost as well as solves the disposal of the stock fabric waste.
E-Fabric Interface Platform
TLC is the first suppler in Taiwan to adopt "swatchbook" platform where it provides a space to vendors to showcase their textiles in real-time and interact with customers around the world. Customers and manufacturers can navigate thousands of digitized materials displayed on the "swatchbook" platform. It’s easy to look up the materials information, attributes and photos online as well as play the virtual simulation functions. Swatchbook platform makes the material sourcing and communication easier without time difference and distance limitaions.
Using digital textile design system and e-fabric interface platform is a smart solution to use resources wisely and mitigate the impact on the global ecosystems.
Benefits of the digital textile design:
● Easy to change textile patterns and colors.
● Easy to apply digitized textile file to do virtual simulation on product.
● Shorten sample development leatime.
Benefits of the e-textile interface platform:
● Shorten textile sourcing time.
● Reduce the amount of making physical fabric books.
● Reduce the amount of disposing stock fabrics.
● Reduce the transport carbon footprint caused by sending physical fabric books and sample fabrics.